
WOMA now ISPM 15 certificated packer

As a worldwide acting machinery dealer it is very important to keep the international terms for wooden packaging according to ISPM 15 rules. That means, we are only allowed to used IPPC timber for sea freight crates and container packaging.


To guarantee this standard, we are purchasing heated IPPC squared timber and pallets from certificated German suppliers. These get marked by our own branding stamp. For sea crates we use plywood plates which also correspond to the ISPM 15 standard.


For save arrival of the machine at your place we prepare it for its long trip over the sea. Safety packed under foil flash rust has no chance. The base of our sea crates is constructed of several pallets fixed with a strong plate. On this plate the machine is screwed tightly. The edges of crate are hightended with squared timber. Each connection is screwed to be as strong as possible.


For container loadings we use IPPC wood of course too for fixing each package. At loading we take care on good unloading conditions at your place. Strong belts ensure the safe arrival at port of destination.

>>> to certificate


  • H04-3216 Automatic Sander Hempel / Germany
  • H02-3215 Automatic Copying Shaper Hempel / Germany
  • H01-3214 Ring, Wheel & Disc Turning Lathe Hempel / Germany
  • H02-3205 Automatic Copying Shaper Hempel / Germany
  • H01-754 Automatic Variety Lathe Hempel / Germany

A great social project in Madagaskar!
Realized with equipment from WOMA:

FairDent - Wooden Toothbrushes

WOMA Wood Machinery Daniel Köhler · Am langen Streif 8 · 36433 Bad Salzungen / OT Langenfeld · Germany
Ph: +49 (0)3695 858450-0 · Fax +49 (0)3695 858450-9 ·

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